Massage by Mo
Relax & Recharge


“I have been a client of Maureen’s since 2010. She’s amazing! She has a soothing touch, a warm smile, and always listens to my concerns and feelings before starting each session. I come away from my sessions with her feeling refreshed, renewed, relaxed and DESTRESSED!  I highly recommend everyone experience Maureen’s incredible expertise and healing touch.”            - Kody B.
"As a yoga & martial arts instructor, I try to live my life as conscientiously and positive-minded as I can in all areas.  Giving an all-natural home water birth to my second child, was a carefully planned and supported event, for which my husband and I thoroughly educated and readied ourselves.  
In addition to diet, exercise, emotional and mental preparations, I also made sure to gather my highly trusted and competent team of the perfect midwife, most caring and loving doula, and the best, most knowledgable prenatal massage therapist.  Maureen Kelly McGurk was that massage therapist.  Having had dozens of professional massages over several decades of varying origins (Swedish, Thai, Korean, prenatal, etc.), I can honestly say that Maureen's massage was the best on so many levels:  competency, thoroughness, professionalism, and personal energy.  I look forward to scheduling another massage with Mo in the very near future."      - Michelle I.
"I first went to Maureen in 2009 and keep coming back.  As someone who is extremely sensitive to tickling, Maureen's touch is both light and firm - which relaxes me instantly.  Her expertise across multiple massage disciplines allows her to adapt the massage to whatever is ailing me that day -- tight hips, sore achilles, neck strain, clogged sinuses.  
Whenever I go into session, I feel the weight of the world weighing me down - and in one session, all of this tension and stress disappears.  My knots and tightness are eased for days after seeing her and I feel like I can take on the world.  I have referred my friends and family to Maureen, all whom have had great experiences. I do have one complaint though - and that's that I hate to leave when it's over!"          -  Stef S.
"Maureen and her hands can work some magic! Her hands can somehow sense to what your body needs even if you do not. Through her hands (and sometimes her elbows and knees), she proceeds to work with your skin, muscles, tendons and joints like a choreographer, guiding them into a subtle dance of relaxation and restoration. Meanwhile your mind is allowed to wander, to follow the pleasant aromas and soft sounds that promise to take you to a place of wellbeing, to where it can drift above it all and experience Maureen and her magic hands practice their craft."     - JB of Reston